On the Edge

Fred Bodin


A child, perhaps a scout of some sort, stand at the precarious edge of his summit and takes in this stunning view of a rocky coastline. (Is anyone else hearing the lyrics of "Climb Every Mountain" in their head right now?) This image comes to us from the collection of Fred Bodin, an avid collector and photographer, who was active in New England until his death in 2016. Thanks for the hike, Fred!

Regular price $24.99

A child, perhaps a scout of some sort, stand at the precarious edge of his summit and takes in this stunning view of a rocky coastline. (Is anyone else hearing the lyrics of "Climb Every Mountain" in their head right now?) This image comes to us from the collection of Fred Bodin, an avid collector and photographer, who was active in New England until his death in 2016. Thanks for the hike, Fred!