Historical Photograph Taken Outside the Park Hotel "Astor House" in...
From $34.99
Historical Photograph ...
Home and Garden
From $24.99
Houses Clustered Together Around a Single Tree in a WWII...
Houses Clustered Toget...
Intricate Skull and Crossbones Iron Gate Design in WWII Italy...
Intricate Skull and Cr...
Large Cottage-Style House in Gloucester During Winter Early 1900s
Large Cottage-Style Ho...
Large Front Lawn of a Colonial-Revival Mansion with Striped Awnings
Large Front Lawn of a ...
Line of the Minute Men Monument Outside Jonathan Harrington House...
Line of the Minute Men...
Mysterious Cottage Obscured by Trees on Dirt Road, New England...
Mysterious Cottage Obs...
Pedestrians Outside the New York Public Library, circa 1920
Pedestrians Outside th...
Phillips Brooks Statue Located Outside Trinity Church, Boston 1916
Phillips Brooks Statue...
Photograph of a Stone Arched Bridge Over a Dried-Up River...
Photograph of a Stone ...
Photograph of the Annisquam Lighthouse in Gloucester Harbor
Photograph of the Anni...
Ponte Vecchio "Old Bridge" Over the Arno River in Florence,...
Ponte Vecchio "Old Bri...
Postcard Illustration of the Detroit Court House with the American...
Postcard Illustration ...
Postcard Illustration of the Ivory Palaces Motor Lodge in Phoenix,...
Postcard Illustration Rose Marie Motel and Kitchenette Apartments circa 1940s
Postcard of the Sheraton Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Late 1800s
Postcard of the Sherat...
Presbyterian Church of New Providence, New Jersey Year Unknown
Presbyterian Church of...
Pullman Car Disguised as the Broadway Diner in Millville, New...
Pullman Car Disguised ...
Queen Anne-Style House Overlooking Shoreline and Rocks Gloucester, MA 1900s
Queen Anne-Style House...
Rare Photograph of Young's Hotel (Renamed Atlantis Hotel) in York,...
Rare Photograph of You...
Remains of a Catholic Church and Sculpture of Angels in...
Remains of a Catholic ...
Remains of a Demolished Church and Belfry in WWII Italy
Remains of a Demolishe...
Roman Capitol Upper-Level Details and Horse Statues 1940s
Roman Capitol Upper-Le...
Romanesque Statue Possibly Jupiter Standing in a Garden in 1940s...
Romanesque Statue Poss...
Rustic Colonial-Style House Surrounded by Snowfall Mid 1900s
Rustic Colonial-Style ...
Side View of Iconic Columns of Whig Hall at Princeton...
Side View of Iconic Co...
Stardust Casino
The Colony Hotel Facing the Ocean in Kennebunkport, Maine 1917
The Colony Hotel Facin...
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Tiers and Stonework of the Roman Colosseum 1940s
Tiers and Stonework of...
Tourist-Made Teepee Camp for Native Americans 1910
Tourist-Made Teepee Ca...
Typical Framed Cedar Shake House with Florist Shop in Waltham,...
Typical Framed Cedar S...
Unidentified New York Area Town Building or Church with Ionic...
Unidentified New York ...
View of Cape Porpoise Town Center on Christmas Day Kennebunk,...
View of Cape Porpoise...