I love this photograph for several reasons. I love this man's posture, especially how his casual stance juxtaposes with his strong, calm facial expression. I love his cigar and the bowler hat, casually tossed aside in the bottom left corner, a detail that enhances the photograph's spontaneous feel. Clarence Trefry took many photographs of Black musicians and music ensembles, and judging by this man's attire, he may have been one of those musicians. However, this man's informal posture is remarkably different from the stiff, posed group portraits that we see elsewhere (we'll include a link below). Unlike the subjects of Trefry's more formal group portraits, this particular man looks calm and composed, relaxed and in-control, as if this pose is purely for himself. In the background, we see the famous St. Andrew's-By-The-Sea Episcopal Church, located in Rye, New Hampshire.